Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Why software is like Love...

Our director today made an great call when he was defending why we had redone the process of secure service delivery over six times.

"Software is a lot like love".
Snide comment from our Division lead. "Oh this should be good..."
"The best software isn't about knowing what it is, but you know its right when you feel it."

Someone else made the call, "And sometimes you think you've found the right one and then have to break up with it and try again and again and again."

I scoured the interweb to see if there were other references to why software is like love and found none. So here are a few more examples.

  • Finding off the shelf software is like the dating scene. There isn't a Mr Right, or even a Mr sort of good enough. Its mostly a Mr-This-will-do-for-now.
  • Software is a lot like love. Simple in concept, but far far more complex under the hood.
  • Relationships with women are like debugging. Sometimes when you think you have it worked out, suddenly you loose it and you have no fucken idea what is going on. - Thanks Dan.
  • Fooling around with naughty software can give you itchy bugs.
  • Software is like relationships. You think the majority of the cost is at the beginning when you have to do the courting. You'll find that's hardly the case.
  • Software is like love because at the beginning there is a lot of excitement, hope and pampering, but by the end, its mostly decided to break down and divorce itself from you after years of neglect.
  • If you think software is expensive to maintain, try being married for years on end.
  • Software is like sex: it's better when it's free. - Thanks Linus

And finally software is like love because despite all the suffering it causes us, when it comes down to it, you're willing to live with the problems for all the joy it gives you in the end.

Additions are welcome in the comments section.

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