Sunday, April 15, 2007

Command and Conquer 3 - The good, the hot and the meh.

You know what they say about riding a bicycle? It completely applies to C&C3 in so many ways. Here is a game which clearly knows its limitations, and doesn't care.

Firstly the good. Its C&C. I know that sounds lame, but C&C is like quake. There is a certain charm to it that cannot be disputed. The campaign is probably the single best part about it. Its got the same over the top acting, but this time its got some well known actors such as Lando Calrissian, the guy from Starship Troopers, the guy from Lost who always has his shirt off and most importantly a host of hot girls from Battlestar Galactica and Farscape including the delectable Grace Park. Its campy, its predictable and its damn awesome.

The meh is the gameplay. For a game which has a raft of different units, it becomes a megaunit crunch in most larger games. The concept of combined arms doesn't apply in this game, especially for the GDI and their cheap and totally unbalanced Mammoth tanks. Tactics aren't as important as getting more resource gatherers out to fund your megaunit army. For me, C&C games always becomes rather old rather quickly. At least in Generals, combined arms was reasonably important, so that lasted somewhat longer.

So why do you ask do I bother playing this game? Simple, because my mates are playing it. Any game automatically doubles in its playability when you have friends to play with. Its not the type of game I'd ever play online with strangers simply because its far too boring.

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