Thursday, May 04, 2006

To rent or not to rent...

Today's blog will star someone from my own work! To be precise they aren't actually starring, but they will be mentioned. So like Schindler's List, this blog is more based on a true story. It may not involve Jewish propaganda, but someone will get gassed at the end.

So we've got an annex behind our home which we built brand new. And did absolutely nothing with! I have no idea what my parents were thinking when they decided to build it, but its been sitting idle for little over a year. Sure its been handy for LANs and when visitors come, but otherwise its a completely idle resource. Theoretically I could move into it and have all this living space to myself, but realistically, WHY? At home all the living space I require is my bed and the 2 meter radius around my computer. Sure its annoying to have the folks come in and out, but I actually enjoy the company now and then.
Shock horror! A twenty-something enjoying their parents company...whatever will they think of next.

Anyway, a mate from work is moving out of home and I suggested this back place for him. Its a bit under the covers, but basically its about $4,000 more for me (hello Mazda3) and about $6,000 cheaper for him in rents. Also we get to car pool and share costs there. The legal is a bit shaky, but in general I shouldn't see a problem. The real issue is the fact I work with the guy!

There is definitely such a thing as too much friend time.
I remember my trip to Europe... 1 month in close proximity to my best friend drove me to consider murder. Actually it only took about 5 days before that. Well in retrospect I think everyone has been driven to consider murdering Jeff at some point regardless, but I digress from the topic at hand.

I think as humans we all need a balance, and that balance cannot be achieved if you don't have get some personal space. Denis Leary said it best when put his long lasting marriage down to "love, honour, respect and keeping the FUCK away from each other as much as possible... just come out, eat, talk, fuck and go back into separate bedrooms if possible".

The same applies here, except obviously not the marriage part, cos that would be scary and to be frank a little gay to even discuss. I'll keep you gentle reader informed as events unfold but for now, as promised, this shall end in someone getting gassed.

// farts
// exits in coughing fit.


Anonymous said...

So long as you can set the rules so as such you don't visit the extention unless invited and treat it like say one of your neighbours places, I don't think you will find that the two of you get sick of each other.

Its only if you start treating him more of a house mate, that you might find that the two of you get on each others nerves, but that said, its all cylical, you may piss each other off at first, but then just use to each other, a bit like a girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

hehe 2m radius
hehe mazda3
hehe murder jeff

and also ... not that there's anything wrong with that :)

Foobear said...

the real problem was the lack of a kitchen. Also, I envisioned my place as "party time... excellent" and was worried about leaving a bad impression on his parents. In the end the place I ended up at is quite boring, despite being a share-house.

The horrors of living with reliable people...