Sunday, April 30, 2006

I need to take a Wii

This is definitely behind the times, but for all those people who like me have been living under a rock, check out the new Nintendo Wii. Its so cool that it redefines cool! If you know me, you'd know that I hate normal controllers, as I'm just completely unco at them. However this thing appears to be far more easier to use and understand.
And you can use it as a sword and beat people with it! (At least in the game). This is what I was thinking. And theres a little add on which you connect to the controller and it turns it into basically a numchuck... awesome!

But seriously, what bright apple in marketing thought of using a name like Wii for the console. Like I know Revolution doesn't have a snappy 3 letter acronym like the PS3 or 360, but surely you can do better than that. Maybe the GC2 :D

1 comment:

Foobear said...

I love numchucks. They're so... nummy...