Sunday, May 13, 2007

Driving under the Influence

Tonight wasn't the first time, and probably won't be the last time I've been driving under the influence of drugs. And before you recoil in shock, its only Dimetapp (popular cold medication). Of course I was down to my last few tablets which of course were the 'night time' tablets. Yes with the antihestimine to help you sleep. The dilemma of course was, which is worse, driving with really runny and itchy nose, or half asleep. So clearly I popped the blue pill.

Needless to say, doing 1.5 hrs of driving both ways whilst on drugs was not great by any means. My passengers were not helping. On the outward journey my navigator was sipping sake, and not entirely with it, for the you know..NAVIGATING. It did make for entertaining driving however. The classic moment for the night is after several missed turns, we're looking for Melbourne St. So I see a road coming up that says 'Melbourne St' and Damo goes, nah thats not it, go straight. So we drive past it and he goes, "you do know I was being sarcastic right?"...

One U-Turn later and we finally get at Stephs

Then we're driving back towards the cumberland highway... and I ask Steph, do you know how to get to the M5 and shes like, is that a freeway or motorway or something. And I go motorway and she goes, sure turn left. Since I clearly had to make a choice, I turned left despite me feeling, this isn't right. So I ask, this feels like we're going to the M4 and she says "That goes towards city right?".

One U-Turn later and we're finally on the M5.

Finally after we turn off the M5 onto princes highway, I need Damo to look up the side street to turn into. Of course Steph chooses this oppurtunity to ask Damo about gothic subcultures relentlessly. Here I'm trying to get Damo to do something important before we crash/overshoot and she doesn't shutup. Sarah (in the backseat) later said, she was just WAITING for me to snap. But being the gentleman (who was half drugged out) that I am, I left it be.

The way home was just as hilarious as we got quite lost. A few dozen side streets and no through roads later we finally find our way back. Its midnight, the drugs still have the drowsiness effect, and more annoyingly my nose is starting to go again. And of course Steph is in the front seat and she doesn't have a clue how to navigate and is incessently talking about Japanese porn and furries and all sorts of fantastic wacky stuff. Stephs a great girl, but after we finally dropped her home, there was a collective "Thank f**king god" as we appreciated the joys and splendor of silence.

One U-Turn later and (30mins of dropping Damo and Sarah off) and I'm finally home.

1 comment:

Foobear said...

I don't know why people want GPS devices...