Sunday, May 27, 2007

Birthday LAN '07

So ends another successful world-famous James Birthday LAN. This one was probably the biggest yet, with a turnout of nearly 14 computers and 22-23 people, of which 4 were girls! (breaking previous guy/chick ratios for this LAN). As usual we had gamers and non-gamers and this year for a change we kept all the gamers upstairs and the non-gamers downstairs. This worked out really well as it meant people always had stuff to do. The non-gamers could talk or play the Wii, watch videos, whilst the gamers were kept together so there was steady flow of gaming done. I'm SOOO happy my coach let me have the projector, otherwise that would have caused problems in terms of entertainment for my non-gamer crowd.

The gaming was fantastic and by having a semi-well ordered list of games to play ensured we got a whole pile of different games in. I think in the end we all had big sessions of:
  • C&C Renegade
  • Bid for Power (Q3A mod)
  • Prey
  • Warcraft 3
  • Starcraft (LOL..such an oldie)
  • NHL Hockey
  • Toblo
  • Dark Crusade
  • Supreme Commander
  • But the game of the LAN has to be awarded to Trackmania Nations, which had Doug up till 6:30am, making tracks to play on. The amount people played that game was absolutely insane, but it was quick and enjoyable and thats what really counts at LANs.
The dinner was deemed excellent by all except for poor Sunny. After all, when the mains are beef, veal and chicken, there really isn't much in the way of choice for a vegetarian. Luckily there was plenty of mudcake and pavlova to fill in the gaps afterwards.

I went to bed around 5am on the Saturday night/Sunday morning so I'm absolutely KNACKERED at the moment. We woke up around 10 and then went straight back into it, and finished at 4pm. After dropping people at the station and then cleaning up the house I think it was about 6 or 7pm. So thats effectively me going hard from 8pm on Friday night till 7pm Sunday for this entire party!

I have many photos and videos and I plan on fixing them up with PSP/VirtualDub and then posting them on Flickr or something most likely tomorrow. I'm FAR too tired to do that now. So I'm going to bed tired, but very happy.

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