Sunday, January 07, 2007

Yet Another Busy Saturday YABS

Saturday was a full day of unproductive activity. Well I'd like to think it was unproductive, but realistically I was putting effort into the other important things in life, which are my relationships. I caught up with Richard, Sunny and Doug after two weeks to again play games together.

The old favourite Settlers of Catan got a play (special cheers go to Richard who won his first legitimate Settlers win in ages), but it was mostly full of new things which was awesome. We had 4 Nintendo DSs linked together to play Super Monkey Ball together. Doug's Nintendo Wii once again got a lot of action with 'Rayman's Raving Rabbids' being the star attraction there. Richard also bought a new card game called Munchkin. As a quick summary, this could be thought of as parodied D&D in card form. It makes for a fun, easy to learn but quick experience.

After that I had a choice between sitting at home and buming around playing NWN2... or going to Jeffs place. Whilst the first option was incredibly tempting, I figured going to Jeff's was the better option since I don't see Jeff that often and its good to maintain that relationship with the Eng guys/girls. Surprisingly enough, there was yet ANOTHER Wii there and hence, MORE Wii action. At least we broke it up with some Poker and Pool action. Jeffs house is good in that way, for there is always plenty of entertainment.

Of course now I feel quite guilty that I did nothing productive from 10:30am till 2:30pm, but I've logged it on paper as to what I was up to at least. Friday is still 18 hrs of what the hell did I do there. I really should hurry up and get my C++ activity summariser application up and running so I can start doing some real analysis of my life activity.

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