Saturday, February 24, 2007

Die Elitist Dating Scum!

"Excuse me miss, but have you built a car?"

What is a bigger achievement, a chick who has a university education, or a chick who has built a car?

This comment has its roots buried in a conversation we had today. To set the scene, it a work lunch in busy cafe in an arcade at Eastwood. Cafe Centro. The serving girl in charge of our table was incredibly cute. And also incredibly underage (potentially). After she dropped out of earshot, I mentioned out loud, 'man, if she was a few years older and had a university degree...' ( I never finished it off, since realistically even if that was the case, I'd probably stay quiet. Rejection is always a bitch).

But of course, Sunny as usual completely disagreed with my philosophy with saying an girl who has done university is not at all necessarily better than one who hasn't and that I simply had elitist views.

My belief is a lady who is educated and dedicated enough to finish a university degree is a real catch. Does this make me an elitist? I certainly don't think so. I just like to think I'd prefer my women stable and brainy rather than flighty and boring. Generalization true, but I'm not sure how far that is from the truth.

Of course Sunny's more impressed by someone who has built a car rather than who has higher education. This is because of the complexity of building a vehicle outweighs someone who simply went to uni and cruised through it. Realistically that is a different form of elitism. Its the same principle of favouring your specialized desired attribute over the basic things like attractiveness, conversability and so on. Though that said, using "have you built a car" makes for a far better pickup line than "are you educated". I must try both out one day and judge the success rates.

Does that mean that if a hot girl with no education asked me out that I'd say no? Not at all, (desperation means anyones fair game). Does it mean when it comes time to commitment that I might back away? Probably not then either. But if I had a choice between a hottie without a education, and someone average who was educated, I think its evident who I'd pick, but hey thats just me.

Am I alone in this or are other people just as picky about this?

1 comment:

Foobear said...

I was using "building a car" purely as an example. University does not determine character and intellect, and many otherwise intelligent people don't want to go to uni, for legitimate reasons. The main point is, there's nothing wrong with either, and there's also nothing wrong with someone who isn't "intelligent" at all.

The stupidest looking guys at my uni were also among the smartest. The stupidest acting girls were also the ones who could actually finish the course. Point is, there's no hard and fast rules. "Building a car" I thought was a useful way of saying "someone who's awesome even though they don't have a university education.".