Sunday, October 08, 2006

Buffy. Bad for your hormones

So I watched Buffy Season 3, 3rd last episode, 'The Prom' and I got all teary. And slightly mad. Then I thought to myself, why the hell am I getting mad. I thought it must be due to the fact I never had a highschool prom (ok formal in Aussie terms) date. All these gorgeous girls with their handsome guys having dates and little old me without one.

30 seconds of anger later, I remembered, 'Wait up, I had a date'. Anger vanishes. Okay sure it wasn't a proper date, it was just a friend I went out with, and sure she ended up making out with some other yr 10 guy at the end of it, but hey I wasn't by myself either.

Yes I have the maturity of an highschool student still. Or maybe its just the excessive amounts of buffy in a short period of time. I blame that! The good thing about gaming and work is that it suppresses your hormones whilst still offering a good mix of ambition and relief. With Buffy thrown into the mix, its like an external activiation of a whole bunch of useless hormones.

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